Archive for November, 2011

Networking – More than just selling!

One of the biggest mistakes that I see when networking is the Sales Guy that goes around the room trying to get everyone to buy his product right now, that’s not what it’s about. I’ve talked about Networking Do’s and Don’ts in the past, and one of the points that I’d like to expand on is one of the don’ts “Sell, Sell, Sell”.

Exercise Your Democratic Right – Vote! Municipal Elections this Saturday!

With the upcoming BC Municipal Elections this Saturday we thought we’d take a bit of time to highlight something that so many people miss out on. One thing that we’ve always been active in is voting. With so many people in the world not allowed this democratic right it’s the least one can do! And besides, how can voting be the voice of the people if so many people are not voting? All it takes is you, and your id, going to a local polling station and putting your ‘x’ where needed and there you go! The action of voting is not a large time commitment.

Easy Ways to Look Professional

While thinking of what to write for a blog this week one of the things that I thought of is “what are some things that really drive me nuts as a designer?” and a few things started running through my head – so here’s a summary of what they are and easy ways for you […]