Author Archive

Google Calendars Saved My Marriage!

Okay, it may sound a bit extreme, but let me explain…Before I ventured into starting out as a small business owner with my husband life was simple. We were happily married, regular income, cute condo, fluffy little white dog and both had regular hours working 9-5 jobs – outside of 9-5 we didn’t work it […]

Trouble Getting Support? Use Social Media!

One thing that I’ve heard over and over about social media is stories about how people were so frustrated with a company that it ended up on social media and at that point their problem was solved.  Stories about people not being able to take a flight because it was overbooked, complaining on Twitter then […]

Branding Your Social Media Profiles

We covered it well in our post last week on Brand Consistency, but the amount of people that skip easy branding opportunities really blow me away – and one of the most commonly overlooked online is Social Media Profiles.  Social Media is so prevalent now a days too, I find more and more often I […]

Brand Consistency

Tell me, is it just me as a graphic designer that notices it or or does poorly designed marketing material make you twitch too? Whether it’s noticing a bad advertisement in a local newspaper while reading an article or the very obviously not-customized twitter background for a self-proclaimed “Social Media Expert” I find myself twitching […]

Holiday Season, Great Time to Work With Your Graphic Designer!

It’s the holiday season – parties abound, gifts need to be found and purchased, houses need to be organized and cleaned for the holidays – our to-do lists get awfully long and scary this time of year!  We’re often so busy the last thing we often think about is ourselves or our company, but why […]

Stay Visible with Social Media

It’s amazing how easily one can “fall of the wagon” when it comes to social media – be that blogging, tweeting, or interacting through other social media channels.  I know our blog has the occasional long quite stretch!  Sometimes it happens by accident, our schedules get away on us or what have you, but other […]

Charge What You’re Worth!

One lesson that I learned from both a business coach and my own business experience that has really resonated with me is to charge what you’re worth, and what your service, product, etc is worth.  It always blows me away when I hear of web designers selling, no sorry, giving away websites for under $500, or […]

Volunteering – Great Way to Increase Your Work Experience – Part 2

At the end of July we did a post on Volunteering, but I wanted to expand on that more.  Over the last year I’ve had the pleasure of working very closely with a fantastic organization, and you guessed it, as a volunteer.  It’s been beneficial in so many ways!  Let me hit on a few […]

New Twitter Header Image

One thing that always keeps us on our toes is how quickly technology changes – and that goes for Social Media too! Twitter has added a new header image. Not only does it look great on your profile page but it plays quite nicely with mobile devices where before there was little way to personalize the look of your twitter on mobile devices.

My Pet Peeves With Bad Graphic Designers

In a previous post I’d talked about My Pet Peeves With Bad Web Designers, this time I wanted to do the same for Graphic Designers. Through working in the industry there are a few things that drive me up the wall that are often very simple to fix or change but some designers just don’t do it! Here are my top 4: