Archive for August, 2012

Summer’s Almost Over – Get Ready for Fall Now!

“It’s the most wonderful time, of the year…” I can almost hear the Staples commercial now! Kids go back to school, days get shorter and cooler (hopefully not too much!) and our excuses for our social media, blogging, newsletters, etc being sporadic go out the window! Thought I’d share a couple tips for staying on top of things and getting organized before what can be a crazy busy time of year really starts off.

My Pet Peeves with Bad Web-Designers

When coming up with new blog topics there are a few ways I think of ideas. Sometimes educating, thinking of things that my clients or other web designers may want to know, or educating people on something I wish they knew that would make my life easier, or also sharing some things that drive me CRAZY that I wish people would not do – this is one of those types of posts. I wanted to share with you my top 5 things that drive me crazy that other, likely BAD, web designers do.

Adobe Creative Cloud – Design Programs Now Affordable!

While thinking about what to write this week I was thinking about what sort of things have made my life easier as a designer, and the software that I use came to mind. I have been using Adobe products for over 15 years, and Macromedia as well before Adobe bought them, and the different they make for my final products designed for clients are huge. I don’t think that I could function as a designer without Photoshop, Illustrator and Dreamweaver. So when my version from a couple years ago started to get very dated I was not looking forward to having to pay the huge amount for an upgrade – but then Adobe introduced Creative Cloud.