Summer’s Almost Over – Get Ready for Fall Now!

“It’s the most wonderful time, of the year…” I can almost hear the Staples commercial now! Kids go back to school, days get shorter and cooler (hopefully not too much!) and our excuses for our social media, blogging, newsletters, etc being sporadic go out the window! Thought I’d share a couple tips for staying on top of things and getting organized before what can be a crazy busy time of year really starts off.

Social Media Management Tools

With the big buzz about Social Media now a days everyone is trying to get on board, whether they want to or not! Well there are some great tools out there that can make things easier for you whether the thought of Social Media makes your head spin or if you consider yourself a well seasoned expert. We’ve talked before about linking social media, and in there we briefly talked about social media managing tools, but I wanted to expand on that thought a bit more.

Linking Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook

When it comes to Social Media for Business the biggest thing I always here is “I don’t have time for that”. So a common thing to do for Social Media is to link them all together. So for example, I post a “tweet” on Twitter and it then automatically gets sent to both my LinkedIn Account and Facebook Page. There are some that think that this is the best thing since sliced bread, and then there are others that think they should not be linked together. Let’s examine these two arguments…