Importance of a Website

One of the most important Marketing tools for a company today is a website.  Years ago it was important to be listed in the phone book or “yellow pages”, but today if a client is going to look for you, the internet is where they turn.  If clients are not able to find your contact information on your website, or find your website at all, you have a very real chance of losing out on that client.  Just like you should not go around as a business man without your business card, in today’s world one should always have a website!

A good website also keeps you constantly available.  You have constant exposure with a website being available 24/7, 365 days a year.  This makes it is a very affordable investment – particularly compared to more traditional print mediums.  You are also not restricted to a particular geographical area – the internet can reach the world.

Websites are also great tools to interact with your clients.  They let you advertise special offers you have, sell your products, or simply communicate with your clients.  Tools like Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, and the list goes on, all allow you to make yourself available to your clients.

There are many tools to help you get your company on the web.  Options that you can do yourself with different templates, or you can have a professional design your site.  The important thing to keep in mind is that it needs to look good, but also be easy to navigate and set up to market you well on the web.  It that is beyond your scope do not hesitate to Contact Us!

This entry was posted by Anna Kouwenberg on Monday, September 20th, 2010 at 7:00 am and is filed under Marketing, Web Design. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.