Branding – More than just your Logo

When I’m out networking and doing my “elevator pitch” one of the things that I mention that I do to explain graphic and website design more is branding.  What tends to come to most people’s minds when I say that is, “Oh, okay, she designs logos” – but it’s so much more than that!  One thing that’s really important when designing is to develop your brand – a look, feel, colours, even a font that you use universally throughout all of your points of contact with your clients.

A few ways that we have done this are shown here in a screen shot of our website, and a picture of our brochure and business card:

ARK Squared Website ScreenshotARK Squared Brochure & Business Card

We’ve used the same cube for our logo, font throughout logo and content, and we’ve kept the same colour scheme as well.  We’ve also used the cube from our logo as a backdrop on all three pieces as well.  By doing these type of things people viewing our different pieces know they all go together.  It’s a very simple way of looking very professional.  By integrating all of your marketing pieces with the same look and feel through the use of colours, text and basic layout you tie all of your pieces together.

If you really think about it this is something that a lot of big brands do.  Think about Coca-Cola for example.  They have red and white as their colours and combine that with fizzy-bubbles and their logo on all pieces that represent them.  From the trucks you see driving around delivering their products, to their cover photo on their facebook page, all the way to the can you drink out of – all of their points of contact with their consumers look the same.

How about your branding?  Are you sending a professional, consistent message to your clients?  If not let us know, we’d love to help.  As we say, “we help you put your best foot forward visually”.  So the next time that you meet a graphic designer that says they do branding know that it’s more than just a logo!  But also check them out – when they design are they making sure to have a universal look throughout all different points of contact?  If not it might be best to see someone new!

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This entry was posted by Anna Kouwenberg on Wednesday, June 13th, 2012 at 10:42 am and is filed under Branding. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.