The cute Valentine’s Doodle from Google really left me thinking today. I wondered, “hmm, why would a company like Google start changing their logo, just for the fun of it?” The marketer and business women in me started wondering why would they employ people with the sole purpose of playing with their logo? So I decided to ask Google. I typed in “Why Does Google Doodle” to see what I got, and I got great answers. It connected me to a page on their website in their “Doodle 4 Google” section about Doodle History, and I got to learn all about how it started and why.
To answer my question of why would someone play with a great brand, here they explain it well – having fun is part of the culture at Google, and that is reflected when they have fun with their logo. Think about it, if you’re a company that has a casual and fun culture, why not reflect that online? When it’s close to St. Patrick’s Day, why not change the background to green? Christmas, why not put a Santa hat on your logo? This type of “fun” may not work with more serious companies, but if you’ve got a fun culture let it come out online too, then you’ll attract the kinds of clients that appreciate that!
Everyone knows when it comes to making an impression on your clients or potential clients the importance of your brand is paramount. Your brand is generally your first impression with your client. So if you want your brand to be serious, make sure your online presence reflects that. Stick with the grey colours, clean logos, think “IBM”. Fun company with a casual culture? Make sure you do fun stuff on your website, blog or twitter account, incorporate fun colours – keep it lively.
Your brand, logo, total feel throughout all points of contact with your client needs to reflect your company or you’re not going to attract the types of clients that will appreciate you. And we all know what happens when we attract clients that DO appreciate us – they treat us well too! They don’t balk at your fees AND they pay them…on time! Everyone wins!
So think about it the next time you’re preparing a marketing piece, or even putting together your new twitter background; is it reflecting you well? If you’re not sure we’d love to sit down with you and help you brainstorm ideas – we’re huge on integrating marketing pieces!